F6号 41cm×31.8cm
アートプリント有り 作品番号R137
しかし、年末は少し落ち着いて静かにすごしたいもの。クリスマスツリーを飾って、美味しいものを準備して、ゆく年を振り返りくる年に思いを馳せ家族や友人とくつろぐひとときこそ充実の時間。Happy Holidays to all!

Sea breeze and a music
acrylic on canvas
(private collection)
Also available Fine-art-printsR137
December.Here in the sub-tropical island of Okinawa,we have no snow,no chilly weather so it's very hard to wear the winter cloths.Even though,we really want to have a touch of Holiday mood.Then,decorate the Christmas tree and snow-man figure in a house.Cook the feast and bake a cake,having a good gathering with family and friends home.How priceless moments those would be?
Happy holidays to all!